Passion Sunday

The Holy Week is the most important in the Liturgical Year. In the coming days, we will celebrate the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

After having listened to the readings, and after having participated in the procession, we realize that something special is happening here and now. Not two thousand years ago, not on Passion Sunday of previous years but here and now: we are being immersed in the Paschal mystery. That is, in the Passion, death and resurrection of Christ, he presents the mystery of our redemption and we are not spectators. We are participants.

How is it possible that we are participants?

We participate in this mystery because we are members of His Body, the Church, by our Baptism. As such, every action, gesture, hymn, or prayer has a deeper meaning for each of us. We celebrate the Paschal Mystery as a community of faith taking into account the fact that it is Christ who celebrates in us. Let us pay attention to the celebrations and obtain from them the fruits of the spiritual treasures contained in them.

Having travelled so far in Lent, are we ready for Easter? How much have we done to maintain and sustain Christ’s presence in our hearts during prayer, fasting, and charitable actions, especially by showing mercy to others? If we have been successful so far, let us be thankful and ask for the grace to remain faithful. On the other hand, if we have made a mistake about sin, let us remember that it is not too late to repent by seeking the Lord’s mercy and forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.

We are about to celebrate an unparalleled reality: Christ gave his life so we might have life. There is no greater love than that.

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